House Full of Memories

Did I mention this?

Titus left our house Friday afternoon & my dad arrived Friday night (we found out he'd be @ our house early through reading his blog the day before. haha. Thanks for the heads up, Dad! But we are thrilled because now he can teach 4 20 minute sectionals to the kids of St. Johns at their annual walk-a-thon this Friday, May 1st! ;)

We miss Titus & won't see him until August because he will be in Africa hunting off wild animals. Well, really he'll be in Africa but hopefully not being threatened by lions & elephants.

So, since my dad arrived we've been discussing ways to organize the ENORMOUS amount of stuff here. It's not just stuff to me though...or other family members. It's ALL the contents of my parents' house in MI. It has been stored here for about a year because we have lots of storage space in the old Parsonage we live in. So now is the time where we organize & sort & figure out who gets what or who actually wants what. But also we'll be remembering lots of things. Things we made, things Mom picked out at an antique store, books we read, etc. While we definitely need to work hard to get things organized, it'll be hard to not relive some memories. It will happen a lot the weekend of Memorial Day because all my siblings & spouses and my Aunt FiFi, Uncle Bob & cousin Alusha will be here! So my Dad & I (& Luke too w/ his good insights & box/container carrying skills) will be getting things straightened out so that it will be ready for them to 'browse' through. People will be keeping, deciding what can be thrown out, & the rest will be sold @ a garage sale(& Craigslist of course) our house the first weekend in June. Lots to do! But it's already been fun this weekend looking through things & putting boxes to the side that we've already organized! Hope this pace keeps up. Any suggestions on organizing & going through literally a whole house full please let us know!

PS. Prayers are always good too =)

PPS. Luke's sister is having her 3rd girl in September!!!

PPPS. Speaking of babies, Chris & Sarah are pregnant again & are due in November!

PPPPS. This weekend it was 80 degrees for 3 straight days in OH! It's awesome! Snow next week?!


SarahHub said...

Shari, what an enormous job! Chris and I are so glad Dad can rely on you for help. We appreciate you more than you know. We wish we could be there sooner, but we're looking forward to visiting and remembering on Memorial Day. Oh, and working, of course! We love you!

Shari Baby said...

Thank you Sarah! We hope you're having fun in FL & am excited about memorial day weekend!!!

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