Other Life Details...

*Wednesday, April 29th-Luke played @ Open Mic night in Columbus again. But I was mad he didnt' get to play very long! The other band kind of took over in the beginning...which left LB little time. Dad, Theresa & Jonathan got to come too & beforehand we went to a little Irish pub in Dublin to get discounted 10 oz. burgers-$3.50! W/ crispy chip fries douced in vinegar! yum!

*Friday, May 1st Luke had his Annual Walk-a-thon Fundraiser @ local metropark. He said it went well...yet there are always a few glitches, of course. I know he was super stressed about it, because of all the work that was put into it, plus when the t-shirts didn't come out the way he'd asked, that was dissapointing too because he designs & puts a lot of time into them. I think they look great though! And even though I wasn't @ the walk-a-thon I know he did an excellent job putting it together. he was so exhausted from the past couple of weeks with finalizing the plans for it (plus going to happy hour), he slept from 7pm-ish until the morning came! That shows he's pooped when he sleeps on a Friday night (we're usually out!)

*Saturday, the special occasion was going to the Mother/Daughter Banquet @ St. John's. I invited a lady from work, who didn't go, but I took her 3rd grade daughter, Hannah. She was so polite & I was glad to be w/ her there. The other people who came were Angie & her daughter Kylie & Regena. Angie is the mother of Garrett, the little boy I help as my part time job. (The program they are doing for Garrett is the Son-Rise Program, go here for more info: http://www.autismtreatmentcenter.org/, it's an awesome program). Kylie is her 7 yr. old daughter. Regena is my good friend who I used to work w/ @ Creekview School. She was my mother for the afternoon & an amazing woman. I was glad all of them could come! 2 years old when I was invited by a lady from church, I was really lenient about going to it. I thought it was going to be really hard to be there etc. I feel like I've come a long way since that 1st M/D Banquet w/o my Mom...this time at the banquet, I felt sad of course, but I also felt proud that I had a mother who loved so much! She would have loved going to these banquets w/ me & vice versa.

*Saturday night, the three of us (LB, Dad, me) went to our friends house to watch the Bulls/Celtics play. I haven't watched that much an NBA game for a long time. We also played Bonanza w/ everyone there w/ the Bonanza board that Luke's dad made for us for Christmas one year. We love it.

*Sunday...church, boxes, work...then Luke had his first church softball game. They won! Also on Sunday (Luke couldn't make it) Dad & I went to or Bible Study/ChristCare grp. It was the beginning of Rick Warren's study on the 40 Days of Love (author of the 40 Days of Purpose). I'm not sure what people or Pastors think of Rick Warren...this is my first time ever doing one of his studies...but the first 2 lessons of 40DofL were really good. Let me know what you think.

Lesson One:

Key Verse-1 Corinthians 14: 1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. (NLT Let love be your highest goal!)

1) Love is the Supreme Value in life. (Matthew 22:37-39, Galations 5:14)

-Get the message: relationships-love-is what matters most in life.

-Human love wears out, but God's love lasts forever.

2) Love is the Primary Objective of life. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

-If I don't live a life of love nothing I...say, know, believe, give, accomplish...will matter.

*Words w/o love are worthless.

*Brilliance w/o love equals zero.

*Faith w/o love does not matter.

*Giving is not necessarily loving.

*Relationships are more important than accomplishments.

3) Love is the Greatest Power in life. (1 Cor. 13:13, Ephesians 5:2)

-God has shown us how to leave a lasting legacy-fill your life w/ love.

Putting It Into Action:

-Show love to someone you haven't shown love to recently in an unselfish way!

PRAYER: Thank you, God, for loving me in spite of my imperfections. I have to admit that as hard as I try, I have difficulty loving some people. Help me trust you for the power to love. Lord, I turn to you for wisdom as I focus on one person to love this week. Help me to show that I love you by loving others. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Lesson Two:

Key Verse-1 Cor. Love is Patient, love is kind.

The Secret to Patience:

You Cooperate w/ God. (Romans 5:3-4) He has part & you have a part.

-God's part is to provide the Circumstances.

-Your part is to provide the Response.

3 Things Will Help You Respond w/ Patience

a) Discover a Bigger Perspective. (Proverbs 19:11)

b)Deepen Your Love. When you're filled w/ love, almost nothing will irritate you. But when you're filled w/ anger, almost anything will irritate you.

c) Depend on Jesus' Power! (Colossians 1:11)

*Patience is about Attitude. Kindness is an action. Kindness is not just a belief, it's a behavior.

The Secret to Kindness:

Kindness is Love In Action.

4 Lessons from the Good Samaritan

a) Start Seeing the Needs of people around you. (Luke 10:33, 1 Cor. 10:24)

*Kindness begins w/ the eyes.

*Become more aware & more observant.

*Why don't we see the wounds of the people around us? Busyness. Busyness is the death of love! Slowness=Love (Listen, have time for others)

*Do I see the needs of others? Rate yourself.

b) Sympathize w/ people's pain. (Luke 10:33, Galations 6:2)

*Sympathy begins w/ the ears.

* Eyes, ears, then heart.

*Do I listen to the needs of others? Rate yourself.

c) Seize the Moment (Luke 10:34, Proverbs 3:27-28, 1 John 4:18-Never walk away!)

* The Good Samaritan did what he could with what he had at that particular moment.

*To be a kinder person like the Good Samaritan: -You must be willing to be Interrupted.

-You must be willing to Take Risks.

*Fears: Take up too much of our own time, helping others might remind us of our own pain

*Do I quickly respond to a need when I see it? Rate yourself.

d) Spend whatever it takes. (Luke 10: 34, Isaiah 58: 7-8, 11, Psalm 103: 8)

*There is always a cost to kindness. Time, Energy, Money, Patience, Reputation...etc.

*Kindness is doing something for somebody w/o expecting anything in return.

Putting It Into Action: Rather than passing by someone who needs a 'good samaritan'...reach out to that person this week & do a specific act of kindness.

Ok, obviously I had a lot of time on my hands @ work this Friday afternoon...=)

But it's important to know & challenge yourself to love through Christ!


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