It's been 3 weeks, but I'm back.

busy month of May, yikes.

It's been unpacking boxes for Dad & me who tried to help when & where I could.
It's been crazy, but this past weekend went suprisingly well. My whole family was there, siblings, aunt/uncle cousin & dad. We looked through ALMOST everything, I couldn't believe it. We didn't fight over any items that we treasured. I was again, suprised. Also, we had time to visit & play cornhole & drink summer brew. I loved playing with my nieces & nephews. The other big thing that happened this past weekend is that Joshua, my nephew, & now Godchild, was Baptized. I am very proud & honored to be his Godparent. We got to celebrate that too.
So the weekend-success! Now Dad & I are preparing for the Moving Sale next week. Plus putting things on Craiglist etc. Getting organized for the Sale is the biggest part though. June 4-6th!
Some other things that have been going on:
Luke played at Little Tony's again on May 9th & will play again on May 30th.
I joined 2 sand volleyball leagues on Tues & Wed nights. That makes me happy, because I miss playing. the first league i'm on w/ friends & the second league i'm w/ strangers, but they are all nice so far!
My friend's husband graduated from Boot Camp for the Army-please pray for him & her because they have been apart since Feb. & will be until Sept. at least.
We practiced for the new softball league we're in-I really stink at it, but I'm getting slightly better each time I play...I hope.
Luke hosted the St. John's athletic banquet. It was really great & well put together. I had to give a speech for my 7/8 gr. volleyball team & got through it ok! We had an awesome season (Undefeated in league, League Tourney champs, and ohio lutheran tourney champs!) Just had to add in our victories there. luke had to talk throughout the whole thing & i'm worried about one little speech! he had a lot more pressure on him than me!
Luke surprised me while my family was here w/ a Buster Bar cake & singing happy birthday. he knew that would make me happy to do that while my whole fam was there. it was very sweet.

ok that's all for now! gotta go!


JOYFUL447 said...

hang in there! They'll be nothing you can do about anything after tonight! TOmorrow is the day - i will be praying! GOod luck and i will call you later! xoxoxo have you put anything on craigslist??

JOYFUL447 said...

where are you/ no one is blogging ... i have gotten into such a habit now checkign all of your blogs, that i get obsessive when no one is posting! what have you been up to lately??

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